Mark Says
Mark Valsame is a well known and much respected genealogist and just so happens to be my cousin. He has been so very helpful to me in the creation and upkeep of this site and does his best to ensure that my info is correct. When he gives me permission to share info that he passes on to me, I will forward it on to all of you via this page...hence, "Mark Says".
I just thought you would like to know that it is with great sadness that I report that the John Rufus Coats house (1831-1905) is scheduled to be torn down in the very near future. The property on which the house is located on Highway 210 was purchased in April of this year by a developer. A new subdivision called Brighton Ridge is going to be built on the property. Fortunately, the old family cemetery which is located on the drive leading up to the house was excepted in the deed by the previous owners who sold the land, so it will not be moved or harmed by the developer. In addition to John Rufus Coats and his wife, we know that William Coats and wife Sarah Stephenson are buried here too in unmarked graves, as indicated by John Rufus Coats' will dated 1900. I spoke with one of the developers and she informed me that they plan to clean off the cemetery and put an enclosure around it. There will be a pathway from the road to the cemetery so family members can access the cemetery without any problems.
I contacted Preservation North Carolina about the house. They are a non-profit that sometimes buys old houses to save them. Unfortunately, I was too late to do anything. I found out that the developer had already sold the wood out of the house. It's unfortunate, since this is one of the oldest surviving houses in Pleasant Grove Township that hasn't been substantially remodeled or altered.
I realize that you aren't a direct Coats descendant, but thought you would be interested nevertheless. Attached are some photos I took today of the house and cemetery.
John Rufus Coats Family Cemetery
Nancy Elizabeth Byrd Coats Head Stone