Family Reports

All of the documents on this page are displayed in .pdf format. If you don't have the Adobe Reader necessary to view the files, you can get it for free by clicking the icon below. Be sure to check out the miscellaneous written documents included on the bottom of the page after the family reports.

All of the Family Reports, with the exception of those donated by other folks, were last updated on 06/24/2008.


Civil War Ancestors of James Richard Norris Courtesy of James Richard Norris


Descendants of John Adams


Descendants of Alvin Ashworth


Descendants of Alvin Austin


Descendants of Isaac Avera


Descendants of Plyver Barber


Descendants of Larkin Barbour


Descendants of Miles Barefoot


Descendants of David Barnes


Descendants of Joshua Beasley


Descendants of William Henry Benson


Descendants of Lawrence Bridger Courtesy of Wyvonia Florine Blackmon Wiggins (Good Godwin info)


Descendants of William Bryant


Descendants of Green Burchette


Descendants of Musco Richardson Butler


Descendants of William Byrd


Descendants of Brittain Carroll


Descendants of James Carroll


Descendants of Cox Carter


Descendants of George B. Clifton


Descendants of John Coats, Sr.


Descendants of Samuel Cobb Courtesy of Jill Whitley Sturgis


Descendants of James Robert Core


Descendants of Benjamin Creech, Sr.


Descendants of George Washington Denning Courtesy of Eleanor Chapman


Descendants of Joel Denning, Sr.


Descendants of Robert Denning


Descendants of Patrick Dixon


Descendants of Martin B. Dorman


Descendants of George Dunn


Descendants of Henry Dupree


Descendants of A. Jackson Ennis


Descendants of John Austin Ennis


Descendants of James Godwin


Descendants of Thomas Gregory


Descendants of Benjamin Grimes


Descendants of John Hair


Descendants of Parrott Hardee


Descendants of James Oliver Hargis


Descendants of John R. Harper


Descendants of Benjamin Hatcher


Descendants of Green Hays


Descendants of Hiram Holmes


Descendants of John Holmes


Descendants of James Ivey, Jr.

›››The Ivey Book - Descendants of James Ivey, Jr. ~ Compiled by Jennifer Ann Carter Bohannon (an Ivey Daughter - in - Law)


Descendants of William James Jernigan


Descendants of Allen Johnson


Descendants of James Langdon


Descendants of Elijah Lassiter


Descendants of Allen Mason


Descendants of Jacob Matthews


Descendants of John McGee


Descendants of John Medlin


Descendants of George W. Miller


Descendants of Henry Telpher Neighbours Courtesy of Eleanor Chapman


Descendants of John Sanders Neighbors Courtesy of Eleanor Chapman


Descendants of John William Neighbours Courtesy of Eleanor Chapman


Descendants of Henry Norris


Descendants of William Henry Norris


Descendants of Eli Olive


Descendants of John Parrish


Descendants of Washington Partin


Descendants of John Bryan Peacock


Descendants of Henry Harrison Penny


Descendants of Jeremiah Pleasant


Descendants of John W. Pollard


Descendants of Rufus Pope


Descendants of William Henry Porter


Descendants of Calvin H. Roberts


Descendants of John Calvin Sorrell


Descendants of Robert W. Stevens


Descendants of Soloman Stevenson, Sr.


Descendants of Charles Stewart


Descendants of William Tart


Descendants of Uriah Thompson


Descendants of Moses Tripp


Descendants of Willis Turlington


Descendants of Benjamin Upchurch


Descendants of George Washington Weeks


Descendants of William F. Wiggins


Descendants of Whitfield Wood


Descendants of Thomas Young



Accounts of the Orphans of Britton & Merritt Langdon Compiled by James Mark Valsame


The Dupree Estate Courtesy of Gaynelle Mitchell Young


Mr. Woody Loved His Horse Courtesy of Joyce Parrish Carter Newspaper article about Calvin Haywood "Woody" Parrish


Remembering a Coats Cornerstone (J. D. Norris) Dunn Daily Record tribute to John David Norris on his death


I have had several requests for my entire database being made available for download. Well, if you ask, I will try my best to accomodate.

The link you will find here is for my entire database in a gedcom format. The file is very large so, unless you have a high speed connection, I wouldn't even attempt this download.

Just right click on the link and choose "save target as" and go from there. You really shouldn't have any problems. Let me know if you do.


WeMightBeKin - Gedcom File