James Henry Stephenson (5/22/1871 - 2/08/1947) was born in Johnston County, North Carolina, the son of Allen & Janetta Wilson Stephenson. On September 30, 1894, he married Gillie Green Parrish in Johnston County. Gillie (12/22/1873 - 1/26/1949), also born in Johnston County, was the daughter of Dock Calvin & Smithy Green Harper Parrish. They raised 12 children together and are both buried in Greenwood Cemetery in Harnett County, North Carolina.

Aaron Jasper & Louis Alton Stephenson ca. 1914 Sons of James Henry & Gillie Green Parrish Stephenson.

Fletcher Calvin & Gladys Ruth Leggett Stephenson ca. 1926 Son of James Henry & Gillie Green Parrish Stephenson. Daughter of Milton & Pearl Barefoot Leggett.

Fletcher Calvin & William Lester Stephenson ca. 1914 Sons of James Henry & Gillie Green Parrish Stephenson.

Gillie Green Parrish Stephenson ca. 1914

James Henry Stephenson ca. 1914

James Henry Stephenson Family ca. 1914



William Lawrence Stephenson (11/13/1886 - 6/5/1965) was the son of Hugh A. & Edith C. Ogburn Stephenson. He married Kizzie Denning (5/13/1890 - 7/4/1943), daughter of Andrew Washington & Zillie Ann McGee Denning. They raised five daughters together and are buried in Bethel Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery in Johnston County, North Carolina.

Macy Stephenson ca. 1924

Macy & Mary Stephenson Daughters of William Lawrence & Kizzie Denning Stephenson.

Macy, Vera, & Edith Stephenson Daughters of William Lawrence & Kizzie Denning Stephenson.

William Lawrence & Kizzie Denning Stephenson ca. 1915